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Helping Hands

Services Provided


Wellness Coordination

Healthcare Coordination, or Wellness Coordination, by a Nurse helps ensure cooperation amongst service providers and continuity of care for persons in need. This Medicaid Waiver service benefit was designed to assist participants who require help coordinating their medical needs. 


Nurse Guardians is committed to cooperating and collaborating with all service providers including:

  • Explaining health choices and tests or treatments in a way that the individual and support team understands

  • Attending medical appointments, if desired, for annual checkups and as needed

  • Nurse review of the individual's medications, bloodwork and test results with follow-up communication as indicated

  • Face-to-face visits with consumers as directed by their Wellness Tier, and as needed


Medication Administration and Health Needs Training

Utilizing the curriculum and testing required by the state, we train direct support professionals to safely administer medication or observe individuals self-administer medication. This includes teaching health related signs to observe for in individuals, and when to report their observations to supervisor or other medical personnel. They will also be trained to recognize when to independently and immediately seek necessary medical treatment for the individuals they support. 


Adult Guardianship

A guardian is a person appointed by a court that is responsible for the care and supervision of the wellness and/or property of an incapacitated or protected individual. Responsibilities may include:

  • Determine and monitor residence

  • Consent to and monitor medical treatment

  • Consent and monitor non-medical services such as counseling or vocational training

  • Consent and release of confidential information

  • Make end-of-life decisions

  • Maximize independence of an individual in the least restrictive manner and environment

  • Report to the court about the guardianship status at least annually

As the professional guardian, Nurse Guardians will coordinate and monitor all the services needed including the selection of a residential habilitation provider, in-home care, and social or community services.


*Funds that belong to the person under guardianship remain the property of that person, and do not become property of the guardian. All funds are accounted for and kept separate from the guardian’s personal funds. Nurse Guardians does not provide rep payee services but will oversee the accountability for the individual's funds and assets.*

About Nurse Guardians 


Nurse Guardians, LLC is a Medicaid Waiver Service Provider for the state of Indiana.

It was founded in 2023 by Danielle Dwenger, RN, fulfilling her thirteen-year dream of becoming a Healthcare Coordinator who works directly for those in need.  Danielle has over twenty years’ experience as a Registered Nurse, including as a Nurse Consultant for individuals in Supported Living and Group Home settings. Collectively, her experience includes roles in in-patient, emergency, home health and out-patient care.


Danielle is thrilled to be one of our state's first providers focused solely on providing Wellness Coordination for adults who are elderly, disabled, or at-risk.  Nurse Guardians seeks to be the best choice for individual and agency clients and is committed to working toward eliminating the healthcare disparity experienced by so many people with disabilities.​


Nurse Guardians KNOWS the importance of having an informed advocate to help navigate the complex healthcare maze.


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